Lucid Dreams Foundation

Lucid Dreams Foundation

We are excited to announce Lucid Dreams Foundation. This is a private family managed, not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization that was established in 2021with a gift from the estate of Walter and Ruby Edwards. We honor their legacy by continuing to make a positive difference in the lives of people and the community.

“To Accomplish great things, we must dream, believe in those dreams and act upon them.”

Dreams are worth an investment…We invest in Dreams.

About Us

Walter and Ruby Edwards both had a clear purpose in their life from the day they became Christians. They put their faith in God into action by spreading the Gospel, helping those in need and working in mission fields. They made a difference in many lives. When Walter was 62, his work was done and the Lord called him home. Ruby was devasted with little money or resources. Yet, this did not deter her long. She became even more passionate about their work of fostering children and those with disabilities by sharing her home for over 30 years. She worked diligently in the church and community. Becoming well known in the area.

A few years later, Ruby experienced a lucid dream which changed her life. She felt the Lord gave her a glimpse of heaven. This had a profound impact and she became even more focused on her life of service. She believed that a better life could be achieved by hard work and a clear vision of goals.

Ruby passed away in 2020 at the age of 95. She looked forward to her lucid dream lasting an eternity. Continuing this legacy of Walter and Ruby, we want to make a positive difference in the lives of people who clearly understand their dreams and want to own them.


Lucid Dreams Foundation supports people needing financial assistance, educational guidance and career opportunities. We believe success is a choice and will support efforts that promote others to live the lives they want, if they only knew how.

Get Involved

You can make a difference between success and failure for those striving to achieve their dreams and goals. Get involved in changing lives. Please consider a donation today or volunteering with Lucid Dreams Foundation.

For more information, contact Jami Hall through this website or email